My Blue Yeti microphone slowly stopped working and I finally figured out how to fix it after Ohming the connections out with my Fluke. Follow the disassembly guide from the awesome iFixit here After that you essentially want to gently mangle the micro-USB connector into something like the below picture. The cable should fit […]
Category: Uncategorized
Shout-out to Linux Babe
Xiao Guoan runs a great site here: If you want help with best practices for email spam reduction she has a great post here: My $.02 on this is adding to her smtpd_helo_restrictions. I recommend sender_access as it is a standard and can be used elsewhere like this: smtpd_helo_restrictions = […]
FirewallD rich rules
I have 2 IPs on a single box and want to run SSH on 443 because fuck firewalls. SELinux isn’t happy about adding port 443 for SSH as HTTPS “owns” it. Instead I forwarded 443 on 1 IP to the SSH port I already ran. Don’t use port 22…. Looks like this: firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-rich-rule=’rule […]